We think that you need the clue in mortal kombat 1. Also you want to know how to solve the riddle. So this post is the best post for you where we simply explain the mortal kombat 1 klue challenge. So you just follow our guide step by step.
Here we explain what are klues, why the klues play an important role in the game in Mortal Kombat 1. Also we describe how to solve the klues. So get ready to know all the things about mortal kombat 1.
Mortal Kombat 1: Klues
If we describe klues then it will be a mode of mortal kombat 1 game. Where you will face some challenges. This challenge is called Klues. It is a special segment of the Mortal Kombat 1 game because here you will get a chance to play a specific move with your character.
Also this will help you to achieve more powerfulness in your character. Also you will win special rewards and bounties. Also in some cases the most powerful character skins will open for you if you solve the klues.
Benefits Of Klues In Mortal Kombat 1
Here are the benefits that you get if you solve them and apply the right moves. So here are the benefits:
- The minimum reward you get if you solve the clues then you unlock the cheats where you get some main reward present.
- If you solve the klues then you also have power to customize your character like you add different skins and add different gears and other equipment.
- Also klues help you to get cheats where you find some consumables for your character that give special effects to your character in fight.
- Also some klues help you to achieve the talismans that are the permanent item.
- Also another thing you get is seasonal kredits. But it will come in very rare cases.
So these benefits you get if you will use the klues in a better way. Also there are other benefits that are present but that are minimal.
How To Solve Klues In Mortal Kombat 1
We give you some regular klues that repeatedly come and how to apply the klues in the time of fight we also described it.
- In the time of fight the klues come this time they are very important because mainly they provide you the data to win the battle.
- Mainly the clues come in the character names that mean you apply the character in the time of fight.
- Then another type of clues come that are move names. In case of move names you apply the move in the fight.
- Also in some cases the different words like fire, ice and teleport come to mean the special power of the character that you apply this time.
So these are the main types of klues that come in time of fight. If you apply all the moves correctly you easily win the battle. We also describe the other benefits you get if you perfectly use the klues.